Top ten headphone brands

The journey from a gramophone to the modern day high wattage woofers has been an incredible one. The world came across many devices which can be used to play music, during the course of this transformation. Some of them became a hit while the others faded away with time. It was only during this transition period, inception of headphones took place and the world now just can’t get tired of this. The quality of these gadgets has been increasing with each passing second. Headphones are very much brand oriented, people prefer the well established ones over the budding brands. Therefore the companies can’t put their feet off the gas or else they will perish from the top 10 headphone brands line up.

The best headphone brands are the ones which can give their customers exactly what they want. From customized headphones to the surround sound headphones, all types are produced by most of the top brands. The youth of today loves cool headphones and hence most of the brands are trying to seek their attention by bringing in some unique designs and colors. Following are the top 10 headphone brands which have the power to take you deep inside the song and then get the feel of it:

#10 Koss – Koss was founded in the year 1991 by accident, it was not at all intentional but after its establishment it hasn’t looked back. Making the most of the opportunities it got during its initial phases, this company has now gone ahead to get a position in the top 10 headphone brands. Their stereo and cool headphones are very popular among all age groups, making it a world famous brand. This company is continuously improving the quality of headphones and its future looks very bright indeed.

#9 Sony – One of the biggest electronics brand in the world, Sony sells everything from a pen drive to a home theatre. Headphones is also one of its specialty, the popularity level has helped this brand spread its roots in all the countries. Sony’s brain child Walkman was a huge block buster and now its cool headphones are holding the flag high. Available in various price ranges, this brand has something in store for everyone. Good quality headphones are its trademark and the ability to think out of the box make it one of the best headphone brands.

#8 Beyerdynamic – German companies have always been known as the front runners in the rat race of top 10 headphone brands. Beyer Dynamic is also one such brand, all kinds of headphones are produced by this company. It produces some of the best over the ear headphones and the surround sound headphones manufactured by this company are also very good, giving its listeners a great experience. If you are looking for customized headphones then this brand will serve your purpose very nicely.

#7 AKG – This company was founded in the year 1947 and where else but Germany. It has a very good reputation among the recording studios as it is one of their largest suppliers of headphones. From cool headphones to the sophisticated ones, you will be getting all types of stuff here. AKG’s top of the line headphones are durable in nature but that doesn’t mean you start smashing it around. It has all the goodness which is required to get them into the best headphone brands.

#6 Grado – Dynamic and exuberant will be the perfect words to define this brand. Though Grado doesn’t offers a wide array of headphones, every single pair of this brand backs a punch. They have brought in vented diaphragm system in their headphones, giving the listeners absolutely distortion less sound. Its sturdy transducers give the sound amazing clarity and make the hearing experience great fun. All these little but important functions have helped it in getting this rank among top 10 headphone brands.

#5 Beats – In spite of being a relatively new company, Beats has shot towards becoming one of the best headphone brands. This company tasted success in its early days by the virtue of the cool headphones it produced. This brand uses various vibrant colors and eye catching designs in its products. The fact that these are good quality headphones along with the entire funk makes it stay among the big daddies of headphones. Its surround sound headphones have an amazing tone to it, making these top of the line headphones a sensation among the people.

#4 Audio Technica – Enough of the German domination, it’s time now for some Japanese action. With technology running in their blood, this company has brought in awesome modifications in the headphones, making them completely different from their counter parts. Cool headphones will be an understatement for them as their headphones are very hi-tech and of top-notch standards. Just missing the birth to be among the first three in top 10 headphone brands list, Audio Technica offerscustomized headphones for people who like to make things go their way.

#3 Shure – Best headphones brands are the ones which can blow your mind away with its sound quality and Shure does exactly the same thing. The sound produced by this headphone is sharp and shoots straight through your mind. From bulky to sleek, all the headphones are of the same standard and the components used in its products are very reliable. Best over the ear headphones are produced by this brand only, making it a potent force in all sections of headphones.

#2 Sennheiser – If you haven’t heard the name Sennheiser in the headphone arena then it is like you don’t know about Ronaldo and you follow football. It is the first choice among the musicians all across the globe. The noise reduction technology used by this company completely eradicates the noise level allowing the listeners to get a feel of the purest sound. Getting to this position in the top 10 headphones brands took a lot of hard work and some innovative ideas. It’s not all about cool headphones; the sophisticated and classy ones are equally good and have an unparalleled charm about them.

#1 Bose – Bose, the name speaks for itself. Music will no longer be the same once you put on these headphones. It is ranked at the top among the best headphones brands because of a reason. If I have to explain this reason in simple terms then I would just say that these headphones will make you jump out of your seat as soon as you turn up the volume. Audiophiles just can’t enough of these speakers, making this brand a dominant force in the headphone department. Its products are a little expensive but you will be getting true value for your money. These headphones have very high standards and their life span is very good, making them the godfather of all headphones.

With so many options dished out in front of you, the job of choosing the best is a little easier with the help of this list of top 10 headphone brands. By using a headphone of great quality and fantastic design, you can change your musical experience forever. These Top Brands and Products have touched great heights and are planning to soar even higher. Headphones are used at all times and on a daily basis then why not get the best pair around your ears and turn up the music.


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