Top 7 Zombie Games


What would you do if shambling corpses rose from the dead and began walking through town, chowing down on your Aunt Gertrude's gams? You're probably thinking you would be the complete badass in your survivor group. After all, as a gamer, you would have the most experience dealing with the walking dead--from, y'know, playing The Walking Dead. You've smashed more zombie brains, shotgunned more rotting faces, and mastered more corpse-killing weapons than you can count, all thanks to video games.

We will all owe zombie games our lives when the inevitable apocalypse comes to pass. And that's why we've gathered together the games that got us to this level of undead-slaying efficiency. Check out our list of the best zombie games that you can get your hands on and start training for the end times now.

7. Zombies Ate My Neighbors

The only reason LucasArts' legendary top-down shooter isn't higher on this list is that its focus is on movie monsters in general. But the shambling undead play a huge part in the gloriously campy chaos that is Zombies Ate My Neighbors, considering they're the first--and most prominent--enemy that Zeke and Julie encounter. Their appearance is classic zombie: clothes tattered, arms outstretched, a vacant, goofy half-smile on their decomposing faces. But when you watch your neighbor get devoured by these rotting corpses, they become downright terrifying.

Sure, these zombies are somehow vulnerable to water; one spritz from a squirtgun is all it takes to make them explode in a spray of bones. Yet, despite their frailty, their brisk pace and unyielding pursuit of anything with a brain is chilling, particularly to a youngster first experiencing the wonders of 16-bit. And that strange, chewing-meets-laughing Grawnaha sound they make is petrifying. 

6. Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare

What if zombies infested the wild, wild West? Well, Undead Nightmare is your answer. The Red Dead Redemption DLC has all of the characteristics that made the main storyline so great, only now almost everything you encounter is a walking bag of rotting flesh. You'll meet up with the same familiar characters from the standard campaign--who will probably be getting chewed on by brain eaters. There are new weapons and quests to find, towns to defend, and mythological horses to tame--plenty to keep you occupied well beyond the 6-hour story campaign.

The Undead Nightmare DLC is just about big
enough to be considered its own game. The open-world has been covered with wandering zombies; even the animals are undead. That makes it all the cooler when you tame a zombified horse that's missing its neck meat. The transformed environment brings a completely new feel to the early 1900s open-world. With so much to do, a Western territory to explore, and zombies to blow apart with your brand new blunderbuss, you definitely don't want to miss this expansion.

5. Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Zombies

You really have to give Treyarch some props for going as far as it has with its Zombies modes. World at War's Nazi Zombies started off as just a neat Easter egg you'd unlock after completing the campaign. Now, Zombies is a full blown Call of Duty staple, culminating in Black Ops 2's open world-style survival game. You'll have to explore the zombie-infested countryside in search of more powerful weapons, secret Easter eggs, and a good place to hide.

Of all the other zombie games on this list, Blops 2's Zombies is a little more "out there." You can find a mystery box that randomly drops items that include standard military weapons, alien ray guns, or explosive stuffed animals. You'll find parts to assemble shields fashioned from car doors and oscillating room fans that work as a portable power generators. Though it may be a bit strange, Zombies is one of the best reasons to gather up a group for 4-player co-op and shoot some undead monsters in the face.

4. Left 4 Dead 2

The Left 4 Dead series is the ultimate co-op zombie survival experience. If you like to go out on your own and try to be Rambo, you're as good as dead. It's all about trying to get as many of your team members from point A to point B in one piece, and that requires teamwork. Standing in your way is a horde of zombies--though they aren't the typical slow moving stumblers. The standard zombies are quick on their feet, and sprint towards you at full speed, which is absolutely horrifying.

But the standard zombies are only the tip of the iceberg. The real threats are the special, player-controlled super infected, like the original game's Hunter, Boomer, and Smoker. In the sequel, things get even more hectic with the addition of the Charger, Jockey, and Spitter. Alone each zombie type isn't much of a threat to a coordinated survivor team. But when the super zombies work together, it could mean instant death for the heavily armed humans. If you're looking for a zombie title that lets you cooperate with or decimate your friends, Left 4 Dead 2 can't be beat. 

3. Resident Evil 4

Forget the series' classic tank controls and fixed camera perspective--Resident Evil 4 made the survival horror genre (arguably) even creepier, with a more action heavy over-the-shoulder view. And though it's more fast-paced than its predecessors, Leon's mission isn't without its shit-your-pants moments. RE4 has it all: mutant monsters, big undead-slaying guns, terrifying scares, and mysterious strangers selling you colored herbs out of their coat pockets.

Once again, you take control of Leon Kennedy in his lone quest to rescue the President's daughter from a mysterious cult. And you know what those cultists end up being? (Spoilers) Yeah, zombies. But these aren't your standard RE2 zombies: they're Las Plagas. So, instead of nibbling on your neck a little, they might just grow a giant worm out of their cranium and bite your head off. Oh, and don't forget about those horrifying chainsaw guys. Worst. Death. Ever.

2. The Walking Dead

It would be a grave sin not to include Telltale's The Walking Dead as one of the best zombie games of all time. While other zombie titles would have you endlessly chopping off heads, or blowing undead brains to bits with a shotgun, this point-and-click adventure explores the human side of zombie apocalypse. Instead of testing your aim, this adaptation tests your social decision-making and your nerves--because damn, there's some messed up stuff that happens in this game.

You play as Lee Everett, a convicted murderer who finds himself as the protector of an orphaned little girl named Clementine. As you encounter other survivors, you'll end up making decisions down the line that have dire repercussions for your group members. But the worst part of it is (and also the best) that you develop a connection with the characters in your party. So, when those bad things start to happen, you'll feel like it was your friend that you just saw get eaten alive rather than a mere video game character. People will die, the unexpected will happen, and decisions will need to be made. And you'll just have to live with the consequences. 

1. The Last of Us

Not only is The Last of Us our Game of the Year for 2013--it's also the most intense, enthralling, and engrossing gaming experience involving undead flesh eaters. It takes you through a dangerous cross-country journey through the infected United States which has been completely overrun by plant life. In addition to mushroom-brained zombies that are waiting to rip your jugular out with their teeth, the world is filled with desperate gun-toting humans, a repressive government, and psychotic villains standing in the way of your destination. And best of all, you'll be dragging a snarky teenage girl along with you (not that Ellie is a hinderance--she actually gets pretty badass as the story develops).

Joel and Ellie's quest is as dark as it is tense. The dilapidated, creepy environments set the perfect tone for the stealth/survival gameplay that cranks up the suspense to almost unbearable levels. This isn't your typical go-in-guns-blazing zombie game. You'll have to sneak past stronger foes, conserve your ammo, and scavenge for supplies. The action-packed moments let you feel every bone-crushing, face-smashing blow, and the dramatic scenes are just as emotionally engaging. If you're looking for the ultimate zombie survival experience, The Last of Us is by far the best you're going to get.








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